Take a look at our various ministries in our church. You are welcome to get involved to be part of our ministries. We believe in a commitment to Christ in obedience results in a Blessing that comes in many ways. Currently looking to expand our Media Productions / Youth Ministry/ Evangelism Team and other Ministries in the area. We would Love to have you on board and Master Build together.

Marriage Preparation
We will love to prepare you for your wonderful journey in Life as you get ready to be newly weds. We offer various services to you at your convinience and comfort of your Home.
Kid's & Youth Ministry

Men's Ministry
We encourage you to further your education. As the bible tells us to study to show our selves approve by God. We would like you to take a course on 1.Walking with God 2. Marriage and raising Children. 3.Money,sex,work,hard times, making your life count so we can get you certified to become a "Every Man a Warrior" walking in his purpose to Destiny. Materials Include Every Man a Warrior from The Authors of The Navigators.
Women's Ministry
Every week there is a woman's gathering / Bible Study "" Women of Purpose" for the refreshing of the Soul. Coming along with their Husbands into their God giving Destiny. As well as a spontaneous Fundraiser that involves a auction of designer goods. The proceeds are to benefit all the areas of Camp meetings and all other retreats that are cost effective this enables us to explore the world through Travel and Fellowship.

Volunteer Groups
This consist of Visiting Nursing Homes and other places for example Hospitals, Jails,Prisons, Homeless etc., and give companionship to these loving people that maybe have been forgotten. There is a need for the church to support the widows and orphans in the community as well throughout the world. This is a start as we get involve with our gifts and talents. Learning to service our community will be a very grateful experience in everyones life.

Pastoral Support